Rogers Birdies for Kids present by AltalLink is BACK!
Donate through Birdies for Kids today and increase your impact with their matching program by up to 50%!
Thank you for your support.
Quest Theatre could not spread the joys of theatre without your help! Every dollar helps us bring theatre to those who need it the most. There is no such a thing as a small donation. What can we do with your donation?
$400 One-week camp for a kid who can’t afford it!
$500 Brings a pre-school show to a community venue
$900 Brings a one hour show to an Elementary school
$1,000 to create a professionally prepared study guide for every new show!
$3,000 Brings a full-day program (a play and related activities) to a school that can’t afford it
$9,000 Pays for a full-week School Residency program for a local school that can’t afford it
$12,000 Covers a full-week program in a rural school, including fees, transportation, and accommodation for four amazing Artists
$2 Hand sanitizer: we love playing in schools, but let’s face it…
$5 Craft supplies: glue, googly eyes, markers, yarn, pool noodles, fabric
and glitter so kids can make props at Drama Camps
$15 Pizzas to celebrate final performance day for one class at Drama Camp
$50 A Quest Hoodie for an Artist
$50 Instructor fee for a two-hour drama activity for community events!
$100 tank of gas to get a performance to a rural school!
$200 Average cost of one Costume for an actor - including their shoes!
Any donation $25 or more will be eligible for a charitable tax receipt!
Quest Theatre is turning 40 years old!
We have a BIG GOAL to reach for our birthday this year:
$40K for 40 Years!
One registration costs $400 and without additional financial support, there are many children who would not be able to attend a camp like Quest Camp. Help us provide 40 kids with the opportunity to share their stories through theatre by donating today!
Give the gift of theatre to a community partner such as a Children's Hospital, Community Association, or a School!
We know drama is transformational, help us impact student wellness in Calgary and area! Support our goal to bring 40 Drama Days to our local community. Especially in schools who don't have additional funds for drama activities.
Travel to remote communities is expensive, but for some schools, one of our shows may be the only professional theatre the students will ever see. Send the magic of a play to a rural school or community in Alberta.
Direct Donation
Any donation $25 or more will be eligible for a charitable tax receipt!