Artist Feature: Makambe K Simamba

Photo by: LV Imagery

Photo by: LV Imagery

Makambe K Simamba is an award winning playwright and actor that we think you should keep your eyes on!

Her most recent solo play Our Fathers, Sons, Lovers and Little Brothers (b current performing arts) won a Dora Mavor Moore award for Outstanding New Play in the Theatre for Young Audiences category. She also earned a Dora Award for Outstanding Performance for the same play, which is being published by Playwrights Canada Press in 2021. Our Fathers... “is a protest for all Black life beyond headlines and hashtags, a prayer for all families left behind, and a promise to the community that all Black lives matter.”

Makambe received her BFA from the University of Lethbridge and since graduating has made waves in the Calgary and Toronto theatre communities. Makambe is currently the 2020/21 Urjo Kareda Artist in Residence at Tarragon Theatre.

Be sure to give her a follow on Instagram to stay up to date on her artistic practice: @artingwithmakambe

Premiere production of Our Fathers (b current performing arts, photo credit: Dahlia Katz) from 2019.

Premiere production of Our Fathers (b current performing arts, photo credit: Dahlia Katz) from 2019.


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