Summer Camp 2021 - Successes


Another summer of Quest camps has passed, and as the weather starts to turn colder, we reminisce on the successes of the summer. Running a summer camp during a pandemic is no easy feat and we couldn’t do it without our dedicated instructors and camp staff. This year we had 3 Instructors, 3 Camp Assistants, 1 Videographer, 3 Junior Volunteers, all led by our Summer Camp Coordinator extraordinaire – Claire.  

We were so pleased to welcome 158 young people into our space this summer and give 28 bursaries so that no one was excluded from the creativity and play. Even with our lower capacity, plenty of amazing theatrical adventures were had such as: a Lord of the Rings story about the myth of the Cyclops, a Mushroomville adventure and a plane crash because a chef was the pilot. Our campers, staff and instructors had a blast creating these stories, crafting cardboard into set pieces and props and performing the final product. To make our camp as safe as possible all final performances were filmed and while we did miss the in person energy of sharing in theatre making, campers have a long lasting piece of camp they can rewatch with friends and family.  

We’re already excited for next summer – one filled with even more theatrical shenanigans! 


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