5 Skills Kids Learn During Drama Camp
At Quest, we believe that a whimsical intelligent theatre experience encourages children to explore who they are, discover what is important, and to build the kind of world they want to live in. At Drama Camp, kids get to expand their creativity and exercise their body, voice, and hearts. There are 5 skills we believe Drama Camps teach kids:
Theatre requires teamwork and at Quest Drama Camps, we always work towards a group performance where students support each other. Theatre is practically never created solely by one person, so children learn that by working together, fun and great things can be accomplished. Young people with learning disabilities or English as a second language often are able to contribute meaningfully in a drama environment.
Drama exercises develop imagination, encourage divergent thinking and foster new pathways to creative problem solving. We encourage the organic, ridiculous and brilliant ideas a young person comes up with. Our instructors are always keen to help campers develop and celebrate their ideas for final performances. We believe that through creativity, young people can imagine things that are yet to exist. This skill helps young people explore who they are, discover the world around them, and build the kind of world they want to live in.
Drama supports literacy through critical discourse, discussions, creation of dialogue, exposure to text, creative writing and oral expression. Drama is an outstanding tool to expand a young persons’ understanding of language and creative communication. Drama has a wholistic and engaging approach to literature that is irresistible to most students.
Self Confidence
We believe that by participating in theatre games and exercises, children learn resiliency by failing and trying again. Through empowering their creative ideas, we promote a safe space where young people can express themselves fully. We make sure to meet each child at their confidence level, encourage their participation, and celebrate their contributions.
During Drama Camp, young people are given the chance to lead in performances or in drama games. These are low pressure situations that encourage children to stretch their confidence and leadership skills. We acknowledge that some children have innate leadership skills while others need encouragement. We find opportunities for every child to advance their leadership skills.
Do you want to know more about Quest Theatre’s Summer Camps? Click HERE
Written by Lizzie Rajchel