Theatre Games to Play This Summer
Summer is the perfect time to learn a new game to play with your kids, friends and family. Theatre games get you moving, laughing, and imagining. These games are perfect for any age group, require minimal to no setup and can be played in any space with social distancing.
Story, Story, Die...
Pick 2-4 people to be storytellers and one person to be the pointer. The pointer picks one person to start improving a story and then randomly switches pointing at different people. The goal is to continue a cohesive story, picking up where the last person left off. If someone makes a continuity error or hesitates for too long before continuing the story, they “die”. The audience can be the judge and yell “Die” if they feel a storyteller hasn’t continued the story or took too long. The storyteller then dies a dramatic death. The story continues until there’s only one person standing.
What Are You Doing?
The group stands in a circle. One person goes into the center and starts to mime an action (ex: brushing teeth). Someone says, “What are you doing?”. The person in the middle of the circle responds by saying something other than what they are doing (ex: mowing the lawn). And so on...
Buzzy Bees
One person is the speaker for the round. They begin the game with “Buzzy Bees, buzz around!” Everyone starts to move around the space, flapping their arms like wings and making a buzzing sound. The speaker yells out a random letter. Everyone freezes and has 5 seconds to make a shape with their body that begins with that letter.
The speaker points from person to person and they say what object they have created. If two or more people have made the same object, those players are out. The game continues until there’s one or two people remaining.
To level up the game, the speaker can add a category of object (ex. Animal starting with T).
Have fun!
Written by Lizzie Rajchel